Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Triple whammy

On Monday, my wife picked me up at work...
Today, at work, one of my colleagues asked me, "Was that your wife that came to pick you up in the white van the other day?"
"Yes," I replied.
"She just about killed me coming into the entrance! She almost plowed into me and I thought, 'Geez! You moron!'"

First strike, you called my wife a moron.
Second strike, you called my wife a moron TO MY FACE!
Third strike, you left work doing about 30 MPH in a 5 MPH zone!
You're out!

It takes a person of very little brain to insult another's spouse right to that person! DUH!

1 comment:

Kris said...

I have someone in my family that has no tact. None at I hear you on that.