Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oops, I did it again!

Today I made a delivery to an area convenience store. I brought in all the product, and then notified the staff there that I needed someone to check me in; that is, to verify all the (correct) items were accounted for. A young clerk of very... er, general appearance, joined me for a walk back to where I had set everything. We ran through the order, and the clerk said, "OK, you're all set to go!"
"Thank you, sir," I mechanically sang...
...And the very moment I had uttered the word "Sir," I thought to myself in that split-second of time, "Uh, oh. I hope that was a 'sir'!" I turned from my work to catch a second glimpse, and when I did, I noticed the name embroidered on the clerk's work shirt, and my worst fear came true.


Mmmmm... Foot... Tasty...

1 comment:

Sariah said...

Hee hee! I hope she didn't notice. It could happen. ;)

I have added you to my list of "cool sites". Hope you don't mind. If so, let me know. Now I don't have to keep going through Plastic Obsession to get to you.