Friday, November 03, 2006

Win a Stupie, give an encore performance

Today I returned to the same CVS pharmacy that was manned by the uncaring clerk mentioned in our awards presentation. I found it funny that no sooner had I "recognized" her then she returned to her... Um, lack of tact. As I entered with my delivery, the clerk was cashing out a lady that she evidently knew. As the transaction was being completed, they entered into dialogue. The elderly customer lamented, "Last night, I went to the hospice to see William." Shaking her head sorrowfully, she admitted, "He did not look good at all..."
Miss Insightful loudly quipped, "Yeah, that's what they're all there for-- TO DIE!!!"

I thought the pharmacy was supposed to help me feel better!

I suppose, in this case, CVS stands for "Crass, Vulgar and Sarcastic."


Anonymous said...

My husband is a CVS pharmacist in Texas with a wonderful, caring, and very busy staff. It's unfair to judge the whole chain by one lacking in manners and good sense. Perhaps her image of behavior came from sit-coms. She wouldn't be employed here, and should definitely be reported to her supervisors for correction or termination.

Asaph's Table said...

Congrats. You've successfully read too deeply into my post, thinking I'm criticizing the entire chain of stores, and taking the wiritng to say something it doesn't I'm not critical of the CVS corp.
I DO agree with you that this gal's comments seem a bit sit-com-ish.
Also, I don't have a problem with you speaking your mind, only next time, use your own name instead of "anonymous." I respect people's opinions a lot more that way.