Saturday, February 03, 2007

The dung stops here

The city of Scranton, PA has a law that pet owners must clean up all their pets' waste when taking the little beasties on a walk. However, this is seldom paid attention to, or enforced for that matter.
When the doody problem got a bit out-of-hand in a certain community, a couple of furious residents took matters into their own hands, posting home-made messages to would-be violators. The crude placards were captured on film and the picture posted in The Weekender, the area's local arts and entertainment weekly. Sign one read:

To the low-life scum who thinks it's OK to let their animals urinate and defecate on the lawn and sidewalk of an 80-year-old woman:
1) I have 2 adult German shepherds.
2) I will catch you.
3) You will reap what you have sown.
4) I live at ********, come and get it.
5) See the message your Penn St. neighbors left you."

The neighbors added:
To the inconsiderate nasty person who keeps allowing their DOG to trespass and CRAP on these lawns and does not CLEAN IT UP-- BE WARNED-- The police are being notified that you are BREAKING THE LAW! Let your dog stink up your own property, you lazy ignorant JERK.
Signed, the neighbors.

Yeah, it stinks (no pun intended) to continually clean up animal feces from your property, but "You will reap what you sow, come and get it"??? What, is Ethel going to defecate all over the violator's home? It also wasn't too bright of dear old granny to advertise her age, and then her address. I hope those to German shepherds are good watch dogs, ready to scare would-be burglars away.

I don't ever think I've seen waste divide a community as much as this one. ...Brings a whole new meaning to the term anal-retentive!

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