Sunday, February 04, 2007

Obviously wasn't a girl scout

The girl scout's motto is "Be Prepared," hence setting up today's sad and tragic tale.
ABC News obtained copies of some of the 911 calls that victims of the sudden tornado in Central Florida made, shortly after the vortex ripped apart their fair community. I couldn't believe what I heard, as ABC played the tape of a frantic, terrified (older) girl calling in to the emergency response center.
VICTIM: I... I think my mom is dead!!!
OPERATOR: Is anyone hurt?
V: My mom! My mom is gone and my mom's bed is gone! Oh, my God!
O: Is your mom there?

For Pete's sake, did you listen to a single word this poor gal just said? You want to help? Stop asking useless questions, admit to your superiors that you are NOT prepared to handle emergency situations and get more training! Isn't it enough that this gal just experienced the horror of her house being ripped to shreds by a tornado without you traumatizing her with stupid questions???


Kris said...

OMG that emergency person is just useless! Yes, I do believe that there is a stupidity competition going on...LOL.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

That operator doesn't need more training, she needs a brain transplant!