Saturday, June 17, 2006

Wow, justice really IS blind

This story really makes me shake my head and say, "What is WRONG with people today???" Admittedly, as a home-school parent, my viewpoint is a bit biased, but how can anyone reconcile the statements in the key paragraph of this article?
Home School Legal Defense Association Attorney Chris Klicka contacted the court and explained the error, but the judge simply stated, "He doesn't know the law in Michigan." This is in spite of the fact that Klicka provided the judge with extensive information concerning the history and laws in Michigan and the battle for the right to homeschool that he had been involved in for over eight years, and that he worked on the case that went before the Supreme Court of Michigan. *bold type added for emphasis.
How on EARTH did this dude get himself elected??? You don't know the laws of Michigan??? Heck, how did you even pass the bar? You admit (by default) that you haven't read key affidavits pertaining to the case, that you care absolutely nothing about the pain and suffering that you are causing this family, and that you don't spend important time reading key legal documents which you are required to have full understanding of before you put on your holy robe and powdered wig to sit behind the bench?
Amazing. Career criminals are getting slaps on the hand left and right in this country, (pathetical short stints of "probation") roaming free to commit acts of atrocity against society, but you're gonna string along a family over a misunderstanding and $3500?!?

Stuff like this just absolutely sickens me...


juanitagf said...

"Stuff like this just absolutely sickens me..."

Me, too!

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me??? Why does this sicken you two? This is a great judge with a great understanding of the law! Piss off you idiots! Sickens you? Home school sickens me! Send your kids to public school, scumbags!

Kris said...

Hey anonymous...take your crap and shove it...or would sit on it and rotate be a better way to put it?

Hehe...the above comment was very apropos for this blog "people say stupid things" hehe.

To the content itself I say BLECH...didn't know the law! People ARE stupid!


mish-mash mousse said...

You know what sickens me?

COWARDS who hide behind ANONYMOUS titles sicken me.

If you don't like what's being discussed on this blog, and/or you don't agree with its content then stay off this blog. Take your filthy mouth and rude comments somewhere else.

I'm a homeschool Mom who TAUGHT (past tense) in public school for several years. We homeschool for several reasons, none of them religious. I don't consider myself a religious person.

However, it is interesting homeschooling has DOUBLED in the last 5 years. In our state alone homeschooling has doubled in the last 3 years. Why? Because parents have lost faith in the public school system to provide the BEST POSSIBLE education for their children. Dept. of Ed.'s GOAL 2000 failed. No Child Left Behind has failed. Study it for yourself.

Homeschooling is NOT for everyone. Please understand, I'm not attacking those who do send their chldren to public school. Some public schools are very good. For us though, homeschooling is the best option and a legal alternative.

Oh yes, unlike the judge in Michigan, I HAVE read the law AND I keep a copy in my personal files.

Finally, we just had our yearly homeschool evaluation by an experienced public school teacher. She was amazed at what a well-rounded, thorough education we are providing our children. Her final comment "Wow! All of your children are performing well above grade level! The work I've reviewed and the STANARDIZED TEST SCORES (test scores don't lie!) prove it. You definately made the right decison to homeschool."

:) mousse