Monday, March 19, 2007

Ignorance is bliss. Arrogance is stupid. Beligerance is worthy of a slap upside the head.

As I was driving from delivery point to delivery point, I had to stop at a small deli in the hell that is Wilkes-Barre, PA. The street was cluttered with piles of snow from the 12" that fell last weekend, and it was much too dangerous to attempt backing out of their teensy parking lot onto a state road, so I parked in front of the entrance to the lot, seeing as how the deli had just opened up, and no customers had arrived yet. I quickly unloaded the goods, took the stuff inside, and exited the door, only to be met by the co-owner of the business, who was walking from her house just up the street. She asked of me, "Hi. If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't park in front of the lot. Just pull in next time."
Simple enough. "Oh, I'm sorry. Will do," I complied.
As if she didn't hear me, she continued. "Yeah, we really need to keep the entry way clear, so don't park right in front of the lot."
Again, I re-iterated, "No problem. I'll do that."
It was as if I were telling to go to heck. Now she started yelling, "I mean, what's wrong with you? Why would you park your truck there? Who do you think you are...?"
Basta ya! Having reached the breaking point, I jabbed, "I said, 'OK!' Now, that is enough!"
Still, she kept on berating me. Seeing that Jezebel had nothing on this loon, I turned my back and got into my truck, with her bellowing after me.

Sure, hold on one moment, ma'am, while I hop into my time machine, travel back to 3 minutes ago and magically cause my truck to not get pulled up in front of the parking lot.Oh, wait. I have to make sure I confer with Professor Hawking to make sure my mathematical/astral computations are correct, first.
Would you believe she had the audacity to call my boss and complain? Odd. My boss took my side.

1 comment:

richgold said...

Maybe she's related to the guy you mentioned in Nullum Ignoramus?