Wednesday, February 15, 2006

At least I'm not "full of sit"

The person who created Burger King's "Dr. Angus" has got to be one seriously messed up humanoid!
In the latest episode, Dr. Angus lures a young, attractive woman to his (pristine, white) apartment and gives her a Angus burger with cheese... She takes a bite, and with a gleeful look of amazement, declares, "I FEEL CHEESY!"
The Doctor knowingly points back, YOU ARE CHEESY!!!"

No, YOU'RE cheesy.


Kris said...

ummm...ok...I'm cheesy too. LOL


Elizabeth Taylor said...

See, I thought that commercial was hilarious! But I also like the new Verizon one where the guy's got two phones and they're playing "Urgent" by Foreigner... haha, there's no accounting for taste! ;-)

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

The guy who plays a ranting Scotsman in our beer comercials just got busted for being involved with child porn.