Friday, February 17, 2006

Silence is golden, ignorance is BS

Today, I was sitting at work with my other co-workers as we ate lunch. In the background, the TV was on with the local news report. The news anchor rehashed the blunders made by FEMA and the federal gov't at large during the Katrina disaster. "Brianna" pipes up and spouts, "You know, I'm so sick of hearing about those people. They sit there and complain about living in a motel room--"
I interrupted, "Most of those folks were forced to leave the hotels because FEMA stopped paying for their rooms."
Brianna continued her verbal assault. "Yeah, and I can't stand hearing them complain, 'I got no home, I got no home.' If it's that bad, then MOVE already!"
That was enough for me. I got quite agitated, due in part to the fact that I once was briefly homeless. (That experience will change anyone's perspective!) "How are they gonna move? That requires money, something they don't have! Where do you expect them to move to???"

The silence that followed was truly wonderful.

Little gets me truly upset, but lack of sympathy for the down-trodden raises my ire big time!


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

A very scary thing to go through I would imagine. I really feel for the ones with children or infirmed family members.

Kris said...

Hehe...GOOD for you!
