Saturday, February 25, 2006

Supplemental to "Anti-leadership"

The day after my absence from work due to illness, "Jan" once again gathered the troops for the daily update, covering the pertinent numbers. Suddenly, she stopped. She glared at the paper with the info written on it, and looked completely perplexed.
"No, this can't be right," she stammered. "OK, well, I'll give you all the correct number later, because this isn't right. You know, I don't get easily confused."

OH, REALLY? Where was I yesterday, Jan??? Oh, yeah, YOU DON'T KNOW!!!

I almost choked on the blood gushing from my tongue as I bit hard upon it.

Follow-up: Later this same day, I asked if a truck was coming in, because again, she hadn't checked her E-mail.
"I think so. 'Phil' told me one was coming in. Let's go check!"

Duh! Like I hadn't already thought of/ done that!

With an admitted smirk on my face, I followed her to the bay door. She opened it, and saw that the trucking company had pulled away the empty trailer without replacing it with a full one, the same detection I had made earlier. (Normally, the company brings a full trailer and "exchanges" it with the empty one.)
Bewildered, Jan cried, "Why did they do that? Do you know why they did that?"

Do I look like a member of the trucking company? Who knows? Well, maybe I do, since we all know you DON'T GET EASILY CONFUSED!!


Kris said...

I hate stupid people.


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Did she by chance have a lobotomy somewhere along the line?