Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Yes, there IS life outside the farm

A local weekly tabloid features a regular column called "Tell Us..." The paper asks 6 readers a question, and the responses are recorded for posterity's sake... Or, in the case of some, in spite of posterity.
Take for example, the following query: "What is your favorite form of exercise?" 1/2 of the answers were normal: Soccer, Exercise bike, Yoga... One replied, "Ultimate Living Room Fighting," which I personally think sounds bizarre, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt. Then there was Mike Sink and Dale Hemmingsen, whose decrees offered a bit too much regarding what nature of persons they were.
Mike's suggestion: "Chasing chickens!"
Dale's solution: "Cow tipping!"

Ooooooooooooo-K, then! I think I can guess what color your neck is!!!

Keep voting for your favorite from December, January and February posts, and the leading vote-getter wins the next edition of this totally insignificant, pointless and made-up award!!!
You make the Stupies happen! Take hold of your ability to publicly decree your stance against stupidity!

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