Monday, December 04, 2006

Cheque this out!

Today I made a delivery to a convenience store operated by an extremely eccentric gal, whom I've had dealings with many times before. (She kind of looks--and acts--like Kennedy from MTV...) This was a C.O.D. stop, meaning I needed to be paid for the beverages. Kennedy Jr. said, "I don't have enough cash in my drawer, so I'm going to print out a money order for you."
"That's fine," I replied.
In a few moments, I was presented with a money order with the dollar amount inked on it, sans payee information and--most importantly-- signature.
"This needs to be signed," I stated, handing the MO back to her.
She looked at me with a confused glare. "Usually, whoever it's made out to signs it," she offered.
Right. So you're saying I'm paying myself?
"No, I'm sorry," I politely affirmed. "The payer is the signature required. Also, it's not made out to anyone."
VJ-wanna-be droned, "Well, you can fill that in."
"OK, I guess," I pointed out, "but it still needs your signature."
She just didn't get it. "But why? It's your cheque."
I held my ground. "I'm required to get a signature on all cheques and money orders."
She resigned, "I'm not real comfortable doing this," grabbing the MO. "I never signed one of these before..."

...Huh?? You've worked here for at least the last 6 months, and you claim to not know how to do a pay-out? No wonder this store's doing so well financially

1 comment:

Bellababy said...