Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Dial "O" for "oops"

For quite some time, someone has been using our phone number in order to conduct fraudulent activity. It cost money and is a bit of a hassle to change our number, so we just inform anyone looking for "Joe and Carla" that they were given our number in error.
The other day, the phone rang. As always, my wife checked the caller ID to see who was calling. It was someone from out-of-state who had dialed us a number of times. My wife, wanting to tell these people to take our number off their list, picked up the phone and clearly said, "[Incredulous] residence. May I help you?"
The party on the other end hesitated, then offered, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize this was a business."

She did say "residence!" Maybe the caller thought we were a residence who would accommodate the woman from yesterday's post.

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