Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Convenient queen

Today, I traveled to the far reaches of civilization to make a soda delivery at a small (triple emphasis put on the word "small") convenient store located in the middle of nowhere off the interstate. I parked the truck, piled up the cases of drinks on my hand-truck, and entered the store. A cashier immediately came at me with a nasty glare and a sharp tongue. "You can't bring those cases in here right now. The Pepsi guy was here first, and only one vendor is allowed in at a time! It's company policy," she snorted. "Also, you'll have to take these outside and wait. I won't let you block up my aisles so my customers can't get what they want. My customers are very important to me..."

POINT #1: "Company policy???" You're a tiny mom and pop outpost set on the edge of the world! Do you think you're Microsoft or something?
POINT #2: Have you ever heard a businessman/woman say, "My customers aren't important to me?" Did you really think it was necessary to insult me? I'm just doing my job!

After waiting 20 minutes for the Pepsi dude to finish, the store manager came up to me and asked, "What are you doing out here?" I relayed my exchange with the cashier, and the manager said, "Don't listen to her. She's an idiot. I'm the boss here. Come on in..."

POINT #3: "Your" customers aren't even YOUR customers! And I will never be one of "your" customers either, because I don't shop in a store where I'm treated like a leper.

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

if the owner isn't married to this woman he should fire her! If he is, he should still fire her.