Sunday, May 14, 2006

It's a Small World After All

Tonight, Jon Meyer reported the following story on WNEP-16...
"People in downtown Scranton (PA) got a bit of a surprise this afternoon as the bomb squad was set up around the Mall at Steamtown. They responded in response to an unusual situation, when a Portuguese man walked up to a Scranton police officer and said, 'He was going to blow up the world.' Officials checked out the scene and concluded that it was all just a hoax."
FIRST, last time I checked, making terroristic threats was still a felony. Why wasn't this dude arrested? SECOND, what kind of explosive device did this senor claim to possess? Has he been taking correspondence courses from the Iranians? Was he angry that the Portuguese have been overlooked in the immigration issue? Does he want a piece of what the Tex-Mex clan's got? Has the price of gasoline got him bummed out?

The world's going crazy! CRAZY I tell you!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That must have been one heck of a bomb, if he was going to blow up the world!