Monday, May 29, 2006

Sign language for dummies

I had to work Saturday, being my place of employment wasn't open on Memorial Day Monday. I'm not sure if it was heat, humidity or the fact that everybody decided to leave their brains in the workplace, but folks were both ignorant and arrogant, especially in the area of driving.
Everywhere I have been, there are big white lines in each lane of traffic right before you reach an intersection with a traffic light. They're there for a reason-- to keep you safe from a vehicle crash. Also, for those who are unaware, a red signal means "STOP!" I reached an intersection, preparing to make a left turn, when the car heading in the opposite direction stopped at the red light, and then screeched ahead, barely missing a crash from the vehicle with the right-of-way coming across. The stop-and-go idiot grants the other party the international sign for "I don't particularly care for you, your actions, or your having the green light. WHY?!?!
Immediately after the near-miss, the light turned green, and I began my left turn... Until little Miss Priss in her souped-up 1990-something pink Cavalier comes flying up to the red light, past the white line, and nearly into the middle of the intersection. I had already turned about 30 degrees, and now was stopped in no-man's-land, risking a collision with either the Princess's car or the foot-high curb. I gently waved to signal I needed her to back up, since nobody was behind her. Instead, she screams at me and shows me her tallest extremely on her left hand. Nice.
So now, I'm trapped in the middle of the intersection, NOBODY can proceed, and everyone's honking their horns. Pinky never did retreat, so I had to torque my tie-rods out of proportion, rolling over the curb, while she gestures continually the whole time I attempted to safely complete my turn.

So, in the future, dear drivers in Northeastern PA, you'll soon be seeing my sign for "My truck is 5 times the size of your car, and if you don't move immediately, I'll squash you like a little bug," surmised by the side of my vehicle edging closer and closer to your puny little "sports car."

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