Tuesday, May 02, 2006

American politics 101

A full-page flier showed up in my mailbox today. It was from our local (Republican) congressman looking for votes to be re-elected... For my international readers, bear with me while I define our mess of a congressional system.
The two main political parties in the USA are Republicans and Democrats. Typically, Democrats are liberal in their views and agenda while Republicans tend to be conservative. With that said, I will now type what Congressman Sherman* printed...
"VOTER ALERT! Republican Voters Beware! ...Liberal Senator Ted Kennedy-- NOT a Republican!"
Oh, reeeeeeeally? I didn't know that!
"Democrat Party Chairman Howard Dean-- NOT a Republican!"
Yeah, OK, I get the point. Republican, Democrat. Got it. Why are you wasting ink and killing trees to tell me what I already know?

Would-be politician alert! Your insulting my intelligence will NOT earn you my vote!
*Name changed to spare said governmental figure head further embarrassment.

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