Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Responsible for irresponsibility

Last night, after an extremely hot and humid day, scattered thunderstorms rumbled through our area. We live in a group of apartment buildings with 4 units in each structure. After settling our kids into bed for the evening, reassuring them that even though "the sky was crashing," everything was OK, my wife and I reclined in the living room to check radar on the Weather Channel. A strong cell was heading right for us. Suddenly, we heard children galavanting about and fireworks going off. We got up and opened the door to discover 4 young kids running and dancing around a cannister of flammables. ...Right under power lines, and the sky was lit up with bright pink lightning bolts. "Kids," I called, "Get inside! A very bad storm is coming in about 5 minutes!"
One of the neighborhood "mothers" (who, by the way, never socializes with anyone, nor does she let her son interact with the other area kids) shot at us, "Never mind. They're OK! We'll be responsible!"

1) Who's we?
2) You're too good to be neighborly, but you'll watch the kids??
3) Fine. You drown in your lack of common sense and let kids play with fireworks and hang around near power lines in an electrical storm!!! That's great parenting skills!

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