Thursday, May 18, 2006

Just another normal night at home

Today was a very stressful day for my wife. Stress tires her out, so sometimes things come out that either are extremely odd or quite hilarious. As the day wound down, and our youngest (26 months old) progressively destroyed the living room, my wife attempted to calm him down by reading to him. He loves Thomas the Tank Engine, and we had recently borrowed a Thomas book from the library called "Crack In the Track." My wife tiredly called from the couch, "Honey, come here. Do you want to read? Mommy's got crack!"


(She DID give me permission to use this, even though I typically don't call anything a member of my family says "stupid!" Thanks for a great laugh, sweetie!)

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

when can we expect a re-emergence of Mish Mash?