Monday, October 02, 2006

2nd today: Stupid pick-up lines

I've never used them, but I've heard them. Half-drunk men who live in their pants make a B-line for some pretty girl at a bar, and then proceed to prove their "worth" but opening their mouths and letting words come out.

"Excuse me, but I seem to have lost my phone number. Can I borrow yours?"
What you really said: "Excuse me, but I'm a doofus. Will you please point your finger and laugh out loud at me?"

"Oh. Running a little low on cash. Guess we'll have to share a cab ride home!"
The truth: "I'm a worthless bum without two cents to my name. Can I sponge off you as long as possible?"

"I can't explain it, but I'm feeling this incredible energy between us. Can you feel it?"
Translation: "Man, I'm wasted. Are you wasted?"

I'm sure many, MANY others could make an appearance on this blog at a future date.

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