Monday, October 02, 2006

Argument goes up in smoke

Our local news station, WNEP-16, reported yesterday on an area hospital becoming a completely smoke-free campus, following the trend set by many other health facilities nationwide. While it's a nice little "filler" story for the broadcast, station reporters were not satisfied with leaving it at that. They had to find an idiot. And they succeeded, filming the input of a local yokel, who lives near the hospital.
On nodding his approval to the hospital's new policy, the guy pointed, "Adam and Eve didn't smoke, right? So if God intended us to smoke, he would've provided tobacco, wouldn't he?"

Evidently, this man has no idea what the leading crop of Virginia and North Carolina is.

Upon discussing this gaffe this morning, my friend Pat disclosed that the dude was his wedding photographer. What a small, smoke-free world!

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