Monday, October 30, 2006

This ain't no multiple choice, pal!

I made a delivery to a small mom-and-pop store at about 9:45 this morning. This quaint little business offers a deli, small grocery, a check-cashing service and the ability to pay bills. These are done through electronic cashing, so some utilities are time-sensitive.
As I was bringing in my product, a small man entered, and told the shopkeeper, Peter, "I'd like to pay some bills, please."
Peter asked, "What have you got?"
The man responded, "Gas, water, and electric."
Peter informed the man, "I can process the gas now, but not the water and electric." The man hesitated, "What?" so Peter reiterated, adding, "I can't handle water and electric until after 11:00. But I can still do the gas."
The man replied, "Thanks, but let's just do the electric now."
Hellooooooooooo!? Let's try this again, shall we?

I'd suggest Peter ought to be nominated for sainthood for dealing with folks like these, but that name's taken already.

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