Monday, October 16, 2006

One more time: TWO ears, ONE mouth.

Today, I was filling the shelves of a local grocery store to whom I delivered an order. As I was doing this, I was wearing my uniform shirt emblazoned with the RC cola/Canada Dry logo. A woman walked up to me and very loudly asked, "Excuse me, but do you carry any of that diet sparkling water? You know, the stuff that looks like bottles of wine?"
Now, I've been approached before in stores by folks assuming I'm a store employee, so no biggie. I just said, "No, I'm sorry, but I don't work here. I'm just the soda delivery guy." (99% of the time this response clarifies everything, but this was a 1% deal.)
"No," the woman bellowed, "I mean, do YOU carry the sparkling water?"
OK, I thought, she wants to know what products I do or don't stock... "No, I don't. I just have sodas, Snapple, Vitamin water and the like."
That seemed to answer her question. Or so I thought, until about 30 seconds later, she hollered to me (loud enough for the entire store to hear) from the cross-aisle 20 feet away, "Yes you do! It's right over in aisle 9."
My patience wearing a bit thin, I appealed, "I didn't know the store carried it. That's not my product."
Holding up a bottle of the item in question, the Mouth roared, "But you do have it! See!?"

Didn't I say I didn't work at the store?
Guaranteed, none of her friends tell her, "You're such a great listener!"

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