Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Blitzkrieg evangelism

Today, my friend Pat--who confesses he has an incredible ability to attract wierdos-- was making a (soft drink) delivery to a local convenient store. He handed the statement of receipt to the store manager to sign. When he got it back, it was folded in half, so he unfolded it to check for the signature. A gospel tract fell out. Pat bent over to pick it up, and noticed the title, something like, "Why You Could Be In Danger of Going To Hell." The manager gleamed, "Yeah, I put that in there."
"Oh. OK," responded Pat.
The manager continued, "And now, since you accepted it, you have to read it, or you will go to hell."

As Pat said, "I didn't accept it. He hid it in the receipt!"
My response: yeah, dude, we all know how God has personally entrusted you and you alone with the power of salvation!


mish-mash mousse said...

"Christian" arrogance really ticks me off! If that guy does make it to heaven, I think he's in for some big surprises!!

Kris said...

YIKES...that made me think of the game of "tag"...your it! and now you are going to hell...pass it on!
