Monday, October 03, 2005

More political ineptness

"It's a risk, but progress takes risks."
--Carbondale (PA) city councilman Paul Browne, joining his cohorts in a unanimous vote to borrow $2.9M to put toward the construction of a parking garage in the city's [very rapidly] declining downtown.

You've got businesses closing left and right, with no new ones coming in, and a garage is progress? Oh, yes, I want to go to Carbondale to park in the garage. Never mind there's nowhere for me to go there!

--Thanks to the Scranton Times-Tribune, printed on 9/30/05


Perpetual Chocoholic said...
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Perpetual Chocoholic said...

It's words are failing me. Let me try again! Sounds like my city! Big projects, no money, people can't afford to live here and people are complaining left and right, but hey, it's only tax payers money. Let's spend!