Saturday, November 12, 2005

Asinine evangelism

Opening disclaimer: this post is not at all funny. It's just plain pathetic and stupid.

This past week, the Dover (PA) Area School District board decided to recant its own vote from the previous year allowing the teaching of Intelligent Design as an alternative to evolution. Much of the decision was a reaction to much of the media and public backlash on whether I.D. violates the separation of church and state principle. Cue Mr. Political/Religious Expert, Pat Robertson, whose numerous verbal gaffes have become as well-known and irritating as (insert your most-hated polititian here).
Speaking on the "700 Club," Mr. Robertson (I hesitate to call him Reverend) scolded, "To the good people of Dover, I must say this. If some natural disaster should happen upon you, don't turn to God, because you have already rejected Him by removing Him from your schools."

First, this is NOT a religious issue, so I haven't the foggiest why people are making it out to be so. Second, MY Bible tells me that God is patient and long-suffering, for He wills that nobody should go to hell. Perhaps Patrick's reading a different Bible.

Closing disclaimer: I am in no way saying that anyone who teaches evolution is going to hell. Faith is faith, and science is science. It's painfully obvious that the hidden message in Mr. Robertson's discourse is that the Dover school board had blown it and no longer had any chance of "fellowship with God."

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I always had problems with this argument. Evolution takes as much faith to believe as ID. Therefore either many theories should be taught, or none at all. And yes, nothing like a little fire and brimstone to scare people to God! [my eyes are rolling here] God forbid that people may actually find out that God loves them despite all the stupid things we do, think, or believe. Last time I checked God was the one who will judge, not Mr. Roberts or anyone else.