Saturday, November 26, 2005

Read "duh" directions

Today, I bought one of those lighted reindeer lawn ornament figurines to decorate our front yard. It was in a pretty small box, so I knew I'd have to do a little bit of assembly when I got it home.
Sure enough, I took it out of the box, and all the parts were neatly folded/fitted together, surrounded by bubble wrap. On the one end was a strip of paper tape, affixed onto the wrapped package. The paper tape had some information on it, so I went to read it.

"1. Do not cut light string wires when unpacking product."
Gee, I guess that would kind of defeat the purpose of the ornament!
"2. Do not use scissors, knife or sharp blade to cut protective bubble wrap away from product."
OK, that's common sense to me, but I can understand why they'd write that.
"3. Find paper tape that secures the protective bubble wrap around product and pull away paper tape."
Uh, what is this thing I have here with the instructions???

If you can't follow and understand stuff like that, you don't deserve to have lawn ornaments!


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

The trouble shooting guide that came with my cuckoo clock said, "if trouble on chain, turn coocoo on head so shaking it." Ya gotta love the translator who wrote for that company!

Asaph's Table said...

I guess the local fortune cookie plant wasn't hiring any additional help...