Monday, November 28, 2005

A little late, don't you think?

From "News Quirks" compiled by Roland Sweet comes yet another story that just makes you shake your head in bewilderment.

The Rev. Kyle Luke was stepping into a small pool to baptize a new member at University Baptist Church in Waco, TX, when he reached to adjust a microphone so he could be heard. (Was Kyle impersonating Homer Simpson? Why why why why OH WHY??) It produced an electric shock, which electrocuted Luke in the waist-deep water. Ben Dudley, the church's community pastor, said, "Everyone just immediately started praying."

Yeah, I guess everyone was so busy talking to God about a dead pastor that nobody remembered to call the operator to ask, "What's the number for 911???"

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I heard about this one! When I was baptized a few months ago I kept a close eye on the microphone! It was sitting a little close for comfort. Don't they teach Pastors that you aren't supposed to play with electric appliances in the water!