Tuesday, November 01, 2005

More morphine, nurse?

Our youngest is having same-day surgery this weekend. He was supposed to have this done about a month ago, but had gotten pretty sick, so we had to reschedule. Today the hospital scheduler called. Send in the clowns!!!
"...I'm confirming your son's surgery for this Friday. ...Did he have surgery last month?"
"No, he was sick so we rescheduled."
"So this is the same surgery?"
"So he didn't already have this procedure done?"

*Having aneurysm #1.*

"Have you confirmed this with the surgeon?"
"Does your son need any bloodwork?"
"OK, so I'll call the doctor to confirm and to see if any bloodwork is needed."

*aneurysm #2!*

"Do you have an anethesiologist questionnaire?"
"YOU DO????"
"Are you sure???"
"Yes, it's on my refrigerator."
"You need to bring that back."
"Yes, I'm going to on the day of surgery."
"Yeah, you need to bring that back."

Brains all over the floor! Thank GOD this isn't the surgeon!

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

And start praying that the surgeon isn't worse than that!

Ages ago I was working as a registered nurse. We must have sounded like that at times, but when dealing with "joe public" .... you have no idea, or on second thought...maybe you do!(smiles) LOL. While taking info on a patient you would hear "ya I get a blue pill once a day, and a little white one, what is my yellow one for? You know...it's a yellow oval one..." or even better, "I had some kind of oscopy....hmmm, I'm not sure which one....but it was on a Thursday. Oh wait! Maybe it was a surgery I had for my prostate"
Nurse: "womem don't have prostates Mrs. X"

Good luck on the weekend!