Sunday, January 29, 2006

Sunday first: MUCH too much information

If you aren't really up on sports, Terrell Owens is a pro football player that got himself kicked off the Philadelphia Eagles' team with his excessively broodish, selfish and mouthy behavior. Though he hasn't played in 3 months, he has resurfaced on TV doing an advert. ...Which sets the backdrop of this next unfortunate (but true) comment.
Dave Hyde of the South Florida Sun-Sentinel writes, "Yes, Terrell Owens is back. He has his own commercial. If you don't see it (today), you'll get another chance no doubt on Super Sunday. Just having him back in your living room might be the most unsettling commercial visual since [74-year-old] Bob Dole [loser in the 1996 U.S. Presidential election] talking about erectile dysfunction."

You know, I've spent the last 9 years trying to forget that one... Thanks a lot, Dave.

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