Monday, January 30, 2006

Mon #2: Advertising in the worst possible taste

I heard the following ad on the radio today at work. At least it gave me something to laugh about on the job! What complete idiot thought this was a good idea???

AD: Dr. Scholl's Gel Inserts
The scene: A crowded diner with an exchange between a waitress and customer.

Customer: Waitress! May I have some coffee over here, please?
Waitress: Certainly, sir...
(A loud crash of dishes)
W, frantic tone: Oh, no! Sir, I'm so sorry! Hot coffee all over your lap! Oh, oh... Let me get some paper towels and some cold water!
C, calmly: It's alright, ma'am. Don't worry about it. It's only scalding hot coffee.
W: Wow. You must be gellin'!
C: Exactly! Which is why I'm not yellin'. Even though the redness and swelling is considerable!

OK, so are you saying that if your feet are outrageously comfortable, you won't feel anything else? Tell you what, after the initial shock and burning, I wouldn't be feeling much either when having scalding hot coffee dumped in my lap!


Son of Adam said...

He is obviously hitting on the waitress in describing his "redness" and "swelling".

Or perhaps he is trying to keep calm while he dials his lawyer.

Kris said...

I tried those when I was working 50-70 hour weeks...all they did was chafe the bottoms of my feet...stupid gel.


Anonymous said...

I like that commercial