Sunday, January 22, 2006

YOU'RE upset???

Why some people think the world is out to get them is beyond me. Especially when said people are their own worst enemies...
Take for instance my co-worker "Sam." He works in my department, which handles shipping, receiving, stocking and transferring of our products. We rotate duties on a daily basis, and on this particular day, it was Sam's turn on the shipping line. It turned out to be a very heavy day, as he got pretty badly backed up several times in the morning. (We try to assist each other whenever possible, but this day was tough in all areas, so Sam was on his own.)
At one point, our plant manager, "Jerome," came to the line to help by confirming the outgoing cases in the computer system, leaving Sam to worry only about palletizing the cases. Well, lo and behold, after about 1 full minute of confirming, Jerome looks up to see Sam standing still with his foot up on the conveyor line, chatting with the janitor about football. Jerome told Sam, "Go to the back and switch with Al. At least I know he'll keep working when we're busy."
Sam apparently felt stung by being put in his place by our boss, and spewed, "I have no idea why he took me off the shipping line."
Oh, really?
Furthermore, Sam went on to vow, "I'll never work on the shipping line again, if that's the way I'm gonna be treated around here."

Ah, I see. Job duties and descriptions only apply to your co-workers, but not to you.

Laziness never ceases to amaze me, especially when it comes to the lame excuses it produces.

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