Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Cat "arrested" while owner continues gross negligence

Oh, come ON. Yet more proof at the ineptitudeness of American government on all levels.

You mean to tell me you've put this menacing cat (who, all joking aside, is causing great bodily harm and risk) under "house arrest," and the owner still hasn't taken this beast for a declawing and distemper shots? WHO should be the one penalized here? Right now, due to the boneheads at city hall, the residents of Fairfield, CT are!

I wonder-- when served the summons from animal control, did "Lewis" shred the warrant?


Kris said...

OH MY GOSH...THAT my friend is why I also think people are generally stupid.


Anonymous said...

That's one gritty kitty!

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

Cats with claws aren't my favourite thing.