Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Super "bowl" down under, mate

This may win the award for the understatement of the year...

Seems America isn't the only Western-culture nation battling the Bulge. The Aussies are also "enlarging their territories," and experiencing an increasing amount of structural issues in the bathroom.

Standard Australia is undergoing a rigorous project to attempt to design a stronger toilet, and, as usual, somebody had to overstate the obvious. Steve Cummings, research head for the toilet manufacturer Caroma Dorf spouted, "If you are going to sit on it, you want it to hold you."

Gee, ya think?!?
"J'have a good day, Mick?"
"Nah. Got me arse stuck in the crapper when it broke." Got a big 'ol gash in the buttocks."


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

you made a funny! ...research "head" for the toilet manufacturer....

Asaph's Table said...

I didn't even think about that one. The best "funnies" are unintended ones, I guess!