Thursday, March 30, 2006

Confirmed: Tom Cruise IS nuts (.com!)

The world is about to be "blessed" by the birth of, as the tabs are calling it, "TomKitten." What never ceases to amaze me is how unrealistic, unsympathetic and illogical Tom continues to be when it comes to the birthing process. The latest news, from the Cruise's PR gal, is that Mr. Scientology, out of the kindness of his heart, bought Katie an iPod, featuring 300 of her favorite (relaxing) tunes so that she can listen to them during her intense contractions and labor. One catch: she MUST have the headphones on, and the volume must be low, so as to not disturb the audible sterility of the room while the baby enters the world!
Now, I have a couple of things to say. First, I have stood by my wife for the births of our 3 children. She didn't scream and moan, and was relatively peaceful during the births, but my no means was she silent! I know that's part of the process. After all, you're pushing a human out of your body! Anybody who attempts to dictate to women that there's no reason for noise or stress during labor just plain doesn't get it.
Second, I highly doubt that Katie's going to want headphones jammed in her ears while every muscle, capillary and pore strain against the forces of nature. My wife's mindset was simply, "Let's get this done!"
Finally: remember, scientology was created, and is supported by delusional men. Men obviously don't know the first thing about child birth, other than it's something women do. To ask a woman to be completely silent during this time is unfair and just plain wrong. What I think is that Katie should be allowed to have a long rod by her bed-side. Then, every time a contraction hits, she should pick up the rod and strike Tom in the genitalia. Let's see if HE could keep quiet under such duress!

To use the language of Star Trek, quite obviously, Tom's neural net has shorted out! Perhaps what he really, really needs is a good shrink! (Even though they're "evil!")


Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I love this post! You tell 'em!

Shadowspun said...

Well, if the "stick" became common in birthing rooms we could stop worrying about overpopulation...