Wednesday, March 15, 2006

The pinnacle of stupidity has been reached!

It don't get none stupider than this, Cletus...

If stupid is as stupid does, than this guy and his wife have fully earned the Forrest Gump Merit Badge of the 21st Century. Please do click on the link. If you love to shake your head at pure idiocy, it's worth it!

I have nothing else to say except this:


benning said...

"I'm not as nice as my husband is," she said. - No, but, by golly, she's just as smart! LOL

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

You know...the only one who might be considered more stupid would be the judge that might deside that they should win the suit! It wouldn't suprise me a bit to find one out there. At least in Canada anyways.