Thursday, July 27, 2006

2nd today: The man with the heart of cold. Ice cold.

Another sign that the world really has gone to hell in a hand-basket! Read this OUTRAGEOUS story: Mobile Home Park Residents Evicted.
How incredibly selfish and uncaring can you possibly be???
"The owner of the mobile home park said now that he's almost 70 years old he doesn't want to run the park so he gave his tenants 30 days to move out." Well now, aren't you just a regular hero? You seriously think that everybody can just up, find a new home, and move in 30 short days? You claim you want to "retire?" Fine. Do whatever. Just be freaking realistic!!!

Mr. Terrace Hill, congratulations. You've officially been nominated for the "Ignernt Foo'" STUPIE, to be awarded in just a few short months, which is an eternity longer than the time you gave to your tenants. You know, the folks who were counting on you-- WERE being the operative word here.

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