Saturday, July 15, 2006

War = insanity (A serious post...)

WARNING: This post contains my personal opinion on the Israel-Hezbollah conflict, which is likely to upset the conservative Christian right-wing. Please do not read if you are likely to be offended.
As I observe the horrific events taking place in the Middle East today, I cannot help but shake my head at how incredibly stubborn we as humans can be. The lyrics of an old Queensryche song come to mind... "Brother killing brother for the profit of another/ Game point, and nobody wins..."
It must be understood that the latest flare-up of violence is only the most recent chapter of a story of hate that began when Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael. Ishmael was born to Sarah's hand-maid, Hagar; while Isaac was the child of promise, according to the Bible. Hagar and Ishmael were intensely jealous of Isaac, and as a result, Abraham sent them away, where Ishmael became the father of the Arabic peoples. The hatred has not only remained, but intensified, especially since Israel became an independent nation in 1948. Israel has maintained its right to exist, while the Arabs have held its position on their desire to destroy Israel and make it a Palestinian state.
POINT #1: I believe Israel does have a right to be sovereign, and to defend herself when attacked. (Defend, NOT offend.)
POINT #2: I do NOT trust Israeli PM Ehud Olmert as far as I could throw him. (I was once very close to someone who has personal access to Olmert.) I believe he is resting his faith on his country's military might, as can be proven by his statements (when he was mayor of Jerusalem) that he would never concede 1 square inch of his beloved city to the Palestinians. He made several forceful boasts during his tenure in that post, and felt secure doing so, having the backing of people such as previous PM Ariel Sharon.
POINT #3: Hezbollah, Hamas and several other Arabic militant groups have a long history of provoking Israel to forceful actions, and had no right to kidnap and hold the two Israeli soldiers who were serving in non-active roles at the times of their capture.
All this said to address the Knesset's contention that Israel is merely carrying out her right to defend herself. By striking against the whole of Gaza AND Lebanon???
I could understand if the Israeli army carried out covert maneuvers to make precision strikes against terroristic positions, but to hold a whole country in fear is unacceptable. Though I myself am insignificant, I officially denounce Israel's attacks and state that I do not support their actions or their agenda. Israel has no right to kill Lebanese citizens who have no more to do with Hezbollah than I do. Israel and Lebanon, joined by the Arabic council, must cease hostilities and make attempts to see to the release of the soldiers (should they still be alive) through diplomatic means. God forbid, should that prove fruitless, more intelligent means need to be used to provide Israel with national security, break down the power of the terrorists and stabilize an already reeling region of the world.

Israel's stated defense of her war-mongering is definitely worthy proof of the statement, "People Say Stupid Things."

1 comment:

mish-mash mousse said...

Very well thought out and intelligent post. I agree - Israel has no right to kill Lebanese nor Palestinian civilians.

As for the Israeli soldiers - I hope a peacable solution can be reached for their release.