Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Holy greenbacks, Batman!

You know how you find a $1 bill every now and then that has something written on it, like www.wheresgeorge.com. OK, I can kind of make some sense out of that, or somebody (unwisely) scribbling their phone number or E-mail address on it, to see where their dollar goes... But some things just make me shake my head, wondering, "What was the guy who wrote this thinking?"
Yesterday, for example, as I collected money for my soda deliveries, I came across a bill that had marked on it, "Have a nice next trip, Jesus!"
What in the name of Alan Greenspan is with that???
My only 2 guesses were that the author was calling George Washington "Jesus," or he thinks Jesus needs money. ...No, that couldn't be right, because He once said, "Give to Caeser what belongs to Caeser..." Or maybe s/he was using currency to promote his/her apocalyptic viewpoints regarding the Second Coming...

Anybody else out there want to take a stab at this?

1 comment:

Local Musician said...

Perhaps the dollar was given to Jesus (hay-zoose), a Mexican who was about to illegally cross the border into the U.S.?