Friday, July 28, 2006

The Plan: Too unrealistic, even in Utopia

So the Bush administration feels it's doing the world a favor by brokering a Plan (herein known as the Magna Crapa) to propose to the governments of Lebanon and Israel in the hopes of generating a cease-fire. The Magna Crapa calls for, among other things:
*Disarming Hezbollah.
*Creating and deploying an international UN peace-keeping force.
*Hezbollah releasing the 3 captive Israeli soldiers, which precipitated the hostilities.
*Israel permanently withdraws from a town along the Golan Heights that they have controlled since the 1967 War.
Several problems exist with this Plan, let alone it being completely unacceptable to either party. First, HELLO, Dubya! The war is NOT between Israel and Lebanon. The Lebanese government is not shooting missiles into Haifa!
Second, Um, if you want to broker a peace agreement, isn't a good idea to talk with both parties! Hezbollah is NOT the Lebanese government, and the Lebanese government is NOT Hezbollah. Capiche?
Third, yeah, like a terrorist organization, which is built upon a deep, lasting and vile hatred for "the Zionists" is going to disarm. Ri-i-i-i-ight...
Additionally, and most importantly, why are politicians wasting time writing things like the Magna Crapa, which have as much chance of success as a one-legged centipede winning a marathon? Meanwhile, dozens of innocent, and not-so-innocent, people are dying a brutal death, and the clean-shaven, unaffected kings of the Western world still wear their pin-striped suits with pride, claiming they're doing all they can for the betterment of humankind.

Do us all a favor, George. GET REAL.

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