Monday, July 17, 2006

Lost: Ski mountain. Reward if found.

Oh, the the thinks you can think, if only you try!
The Scranton Times-Tribune, again proving that people do indeed say stupid things, sent their roving photographer out to ask the populace their oh-so-eloquent opinions regarding various issues... This week's nugget to chew on: "Should Lackawanna County (PA) sell the Montage ski resort (located in Scranton)?" Those who answered in the affimative were actually quite normal and got their point across succinctly. However, those who say "Nay:"
"I think it's a bad idea because it's not going to be a part of Scranton."--Arthur Robinson, Scranton.
"I don't think so. It has been in this area a while. People like to ski here. But if it's better for the area by selling it, we should. As long as it stays in the area..." --Robert Smith, Scranton.
"It's part of Scranton. If they take that away, Scranton doesn't have that much value as far as enjoyment." --Raheem Campbell, Scranton.

Where in the name of Everest do you think this place is going??? Oh, wait, I understand. These dudes must have read the verse in Scripture where Jesus says, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, "Be removed," and it shall be [sold and] cast into the sea..."
And your town will suck to live in to boot.

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