Tuesday, April 25, 2006

GPS: Goober Positioning System

I'm on the job today as a soda delivery driver, getting trained by my buddy Pat, he of telecommunications company fame... (Yes, the 2 of us working at the same place of business once again--scary!) We were completing a stop at an area drug store with the address 201 Wyoming Ave. The store sits on the corner of Wyoming and Market St. We were just getting into the cab of the truck when a man holding a hand-held computer pad came walking up to us from Wyoming. He asked me, "Excuse me, but can you tell me where 617 is?"
A rather vague question, I thought to myself. I assumed since he was coming from Wyoming that that was the street he meant. Still, I inquired, "You mean 617 Wyoming?"
"No," he replied. "I'm looking for 617 Market."
Pat stuck his head out the window of the truck and informed the man, "Market is this street intersecting on this side," pointing toward Market Street.
Without even the slightest pause, the lost dude guessed, "That blue building over there is Z & Z Auto parts, right?"
I wasn't as familiar with this neighborhood as Pat, so he shrugged, "I'm not really sure." Then he added, "If you turn right down Market here, you'll go past DWT Pharmacy. That's the 400 block, so you'll go 2 blocks past--"
"Right," interrupted Mr. Clueless. "I'll head down that way. Thanks," he called over his shoulder as he headed back-- toward Wyoming.
I got behind the wheel and Pat and I shared a little snicker. We went around the drug store, and before leaving the parking lot, we saw the Z & Z building (with an address of 102 Market) which was dark slate grey, not blue. As I waited for traffic to clear so I could leave the lot, I noticed the lost guy coming out of the auto parts store, still glancing down at his hand-held, coupled with a look of absolute bewilderment. Oh, yes, and once again walking toward Wyoming.

Why did he even ask??? Thanks, dude, for proving the old stereotype than men don't ask for-- or listen to-- directions.

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