Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Getting paid to ask pointless questions

Ya know, I wish I was a sportscaster. Where else do you get to be a doofus in front of millions of viewers, and still come out smelling like a rose? Oh, yeah, and having a wad of dough in your pocket!
My fave is when a sports reporter interviews a coach or star player of a team that just won a championship. Invariably, the question/statement that flies out of their mouths is, "Could you try and describe the feeling in the locker room right now?"

Gee, Bob, it really sucks! Can you please describe what you're doped up on for me?

1 comment:

Perpetual Chocoholic said...

I also shake my head at the stupid questions that come from the brainiacs that ask a grieving family member how they are feeling after a tragedy too. "Gee, I never liked "Bob" that much. Kinda glad that that tornato hit his trailer home. Saves me killin' him myself."