Thursday, December 29, 2005

Repeat after me... "IDIOT!"

Mike Farris, Esq., one of the leaders of an organization called Home School Legal Defense Association, is a frequent contributor to an E-zine called "Homeschool Heartbeat." It is designed to encourage homeschool parents and foster creative ideas. Not every idea is a good one...
Mr. Farris talked about ways to further interest your tactile learner in their education. (They best learn through hands-on experience.) "...You're going to have to be creative in giving your kinesthetic learner things to touch... Don't just tell him about evaporation; put some water on to boil and let him feel it!"

I can't believe a lawyer gave that kind of advise.
"Hey, Johnny! What happened to your arm? It looks horrible!"
"Oh. Second-degree steam burn. That's OK. Mommy sued somebody and I now have enough money for my entire college tuition!"

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