Monday, December 26, 2005

High society

My wife has just returned from a failed attempt to see the Nutcracker at a small local university. (The ballet company gave out more tickets than there were seats, which is worthy of a place on this blog by itself!) Anyway, as she walked back to the parking lot to get back into her car, she noticed a brother and sister, apparently in their early 20's, walking a couple of short paces behind an older lady. The sister was well dressed, and quite "Valley Girl." She was most upset at not getting into the Nutcracker, and whined, "Mooooooommy! Take us somewhere!!! Let's go for... sushi! There's got to be a restaurant on this place!"
The brother seemed to be familiar with the campus. "No," he snapped. "There's not!"
Unfazed, Ms. Underprivileged moaned, "Well, what's there to do around here? Mommy, let's find something to do!"
The brother had had quite enough of this incessant boo-hooing. "There isn't anything to do here. This is a school. And it's closed!"
The dim light bulb of adolescent recognition flashed briefly. "Ohhhhhh..."

...And your application to this institution is due for a rejection!

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