Thursday, December 01, 2005

Yet another pain in the arse

OMG. The fact that people actually research stuff like this, and then feel the undeniable urge to share it with the entire world!!! Reuters News service relayed this oh so pertinent and life-changing story to us, the unwitting public...

Study: Longer Needles Needed for Bigger Buttocks
Fatter rear ends are causing many drug injections to miss their mark, requiring longer needles to reach buttock muscle, researches said...
Standard-sized needles failed to reach the buttock muscle in 23 out of 25 women whose rears were examined after what was supposed to be an intramuscular injection of a drug.
Two-thirds of the 50 patients in the study did not receive the full dosage of the drug, which instead lodged in the fat tissue of their buttocks...
Besides patients receiving less of the correct drug dosage, medications that remain lodged in fat can cause infection or irritation, researcher Victoria Chan said.
"We have identified a new problem related, in part, to the increasing amount of fat in patients' buttocks," Chan said.
...The 25 men and 25 women studied at the hospital ranged in age from 21 to 87.

YUCK! Old, fat rumps getting repeatedly stabbed by people locating and identifying!

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