Monday, December 26, 2005

Home shopping in the membrane!

Years ago, at the telecom break room, Pat entered to see that QVC was on the TV. Only one other person was in the room at the time, a middle-aged gal named Carol. She was a very kind, but introverted, lady. Though she often did watch QVC or HSN, she was contentedly reading a novel, not paying the idiot box any attention whatsoever. Therefore, Pat politely asked Carol, "Would you mind if I changed the channel?"
Carol looked a bit startled as she took her gaze off her book. After a brief thoughtful pause, she answered, "OK. No problem."
Pat put on ESPN, or something like that, and settled down for his break. Well, scarcely a minute later, Carol closed her book, got up to leave the room, and muttered, "...But I like jewelry!"

For the next 15 minutes, you can buy an attention span for only $13.99!!! Call in now, operators are standing by!

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