Saturday, August 05, 2006

Polite arrogance

I was in Wal-mart today, ("localmusician's" favorite place in the whole wide world!) doing the weekly grocery shopping. The store was packed, and a lot of people were completely mentally fatigued from the 90-degree-plus heat wave we experienced this last week. I had my middle (6-year-old) child in the cart I was pushing, and progressed slowly, navigating through the excessive human traffic in the monstrous store. Suddenly, a woman with a cart and a severe case of tunnel-vision came barreling through from a cross-aisle, almost ramming into me, had I not yanked my cart to a grinding halt. The woman continued her head-long pursuit for a check-out aisle. Being that she had put my son in physical jeopardy, I shot a firm "You're excused!" to the woman.
Without stopping her forward motion, she looked directly at me and snapped a sarcastic "Thank you!" back to me.

"Thank you?" Ah, yes, as in, "Thank you for excusing my having my head jammed up my back end."

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