Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More contradictory cigarette ads

Another couple of posters touting wonderful sticks made of paper and leaves caught my eye today...
"KOOL. Bold. Smooth. Fresh."

Excuse me, have you ever been trapped in a car with a smoker puffing away on your blessed creation with a few dozen stale butts smoldering in the ash tray, Mr. Marketing Mastermind? ...Oh, yeah, I forgot: you probably dwell within a perpetual cloud of blue haze. (Makes me think of Charles Nelson Reilly from "Match Game!") I don't think "Fresh" is the appropriate adjective here, Cowboy!

Then there was the other one I noticed:
WINSTON: Additive Free.

Well, thank the Lord for that, because heaven knows, I don't want to be putting any crap in my body!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Can "Fresh" also describe the taste of the lung they're hacking up? Or would that fall under the "Smooth" category?